Shared Reading Strengthens Families

Working to create a world where every child has the relationships and resources to learn and thrive.

Who We Are and What We Do

In partnership with clinicians, Reach Out and Read leverages the well-child visit, using books and shared reading to support caregivers in fostering early literacy and healthy relationships with infants and young children. The only literacy model endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics, Reach Out and Read annually serves 4.6 million children across every U.S. state.

Our FY24 Annual Report

From our growing geographical footprint to a bold new strategic plan and an unwavering commitment to centering equity, our work in FY24 — and beyond — helps us build the foundation of a world where all children have the relationships and resources to learn and thrive.

Explore our new Annual Report for stories about how our evidence-backed program strengthens children, families, and communities.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends us

A recent policy statement from the American Academy of Pediatrics reinforces the importance of shared reading as a critical component of young children’s healthy cognitive, social, and emotional development, starting at birth. It also recommends Reach Out and Read as a universal primary prevention strategy to support the safe, stable and nurturing relationships young children need to thrive.

Books as Mirrors and Windows

Books, like mirrors, help reflect what we observe and know about the world we live in. It’s powerful to read or listen to a story about someone like you. Books also allow us to view and understand lives that are different from our own, like a window onto other experiences. But to succeed as mirrors and windows, books must tell a wide range of stories — and they must include an inclusive, wide variety of people and cultures. At Reach Out and Read, we’re committed to increasing access to inclusive books for young people of all races and backgrounds.

Public Policy Agenda

Reach Out and Read’s new public policy agenda advocates for young children and their families and recommends that policymakers and partners create and/or improve systems crucial to public health and early literacy. We challenge policymakers, clinicians, and early childhood champions of all kinds to use this agenda to focus investment, advocacy, program development, and resources.

brain graphic
of a child’s brain is formed between birth and age 3
Reach Out and Read Works!

Study shows Reach Out and Read parents are more likely to read with children daily.

Support for Parents

All children need strong, positive, and nurturing relationships to grow and develop. These parent/caregiver-child relationships often begin at birth and are essential for healthy physical, cognitive, and emotional development.  We remain committed to supporting families with young children and our resource library can help you learn more about the benefits of reading aloud together and creating those “moments that matter.”

Reach Out and Read Podcast!

Don’t miss this podcast centered on the belief that children’s books build better brains, better family relationships, and happier, healthier children and societies. Join us as host Dr. Dipesh Navsaria, a pediatrician with a master’s degree in library science, dives into a wealth of varied early childhood health and literacy topics with expert guests examining the many facets of supporting the parent-child relationship as key to early success.

We reach 1 in 4 children
from low-income families

Shaping Brighter Futures

It’s vital that children benefit from reading and other language-rich experiences starting at birth. Reading together furthers language acquisition, promotes brain development, and provides an opportunity for families to build powerful, lasting bonds.

Nurturing Young Minds

At Reach Out and Read, we know that reading aloud together, telling stories, and sharing books help forge a meaningful connection between caregiver and child—they create moments that matter. This is the underpinning of what’s known as Early Relational Health. These positive, language-rich interactions are the foundation for a young child’s healthy development and long-term well-being.  By making Reach Out and Read a part of their practice, clinicians have a built-in strategy for working with families to strengthen that essential relationship. As part of our Next Chapter, Reach Out and Read is committed to expanding and strengthening our network and bringing moments that matter to every young child, every family, and every community.

We are the only national pediatric literacy model endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
We’re All Over the Map
Reach Out and Read has a national presence—and we’re still growing.