Reach Out and Read Medical Leadership

The Reach Out and Read Medical Leadership network unites clinicians across the country who are deeply involved with Reach Out and Read, going beyond implementation of the model. This group of medical leaders can explore timely news, training, resources and research, plus opportunities — based on individual interest and expertise — to engage with the National office to support and guide Reach Out and Read.

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Latest News

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Our team — in collaboration with Medical Leadership — will add news to this section biweekly. Find new articles here, share them with colleagues and peers, and even contribute your own thoughts.

You can submit your reflection or commentary on one of these articles here. Each quarter, we’ll use one in our Medical Leadership Newsletter.

Screen Time and Parent-Child Talk When Children Are Aged 12 to 36 Months

This Australian cohort study investigated the association between screen time and parent-child communication in children aged 12 to 36 months, using data from 220 families. The findings revealed a negative correlation between screen time and parent-child talk, with increased screen time leading to significant reductions in adult words, child vocalizations, and conversational turns, especially notable at 36 months.

Read the complete article here.

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The Combined Contributions of Newborn Stress and Parenting Stress on Toddler Language Development

This study investigated the relationship between newborn neurobehavioral stress signs, maternal parenting stress, and toddler language development in 202 mother-infant dyads. The results showed that newborns with higher stress signs had fewer social-communicative gestures at 18 months, and those whose mothers experienced low parenting stress had a negative association with receptive vocabulary, highlighting the need for additional support for neonates with increased stress signs to mitigate language difficulties.

Read the complete article here.

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A Two Generation, Early Childhood Advanced Primary Care Model

Reach Out and Read is an important component of 3-2-1 IMPACT described here, “A Two-Generation, Early Childhood Advanced Primary Care Model.” The model has been piloted in three different clinics in the public hospital system, New York Health and Hospitals (including the clinic at Bellevue where I work). The lead author, Dr. Mary McCord, is the Director of Pediatrics at Gotham Health and Sydenham Health Centers. “We all know that the impact of Reach Out and Read is good and real, because research has proven it, and it comes at a time that has a long-time impact,” she told me. “We need to integrate ROR into a multipronged approach for early childhood support and additive effect.”

The approach combines ROR and the Video Intervention Project with women’s health, Healthy Steps, child life, and community health workers. My colleague, Dr. Suzy Tomopoulos — Medical Director of Pediatric Ambulatory Care at Bellevue Hospital, and an Associate Professor of Pediatrics at NYU, who is one of the authors — described the model as focusing on the first five years of life, with 0 to 3 the priority. ROR and VIP are provided to all families, and other services are tiered, based on maternal risk. There is screening for maternal depression, and screening for developmental milestones as well as for social emotional and behavioral milestones.

During the pilot, Dr. Tomopoulos said, “We cared for a lot of high-risk patients.” The pilot showed, she said, “we are able to implement an advanced primary care model to enhance long-term outcomes for children and parents.” She pointed in particular to the stigma attached to mental health issues, which can interfere with mothers getting help when they need it, and the importance of offering that care in the setting of the primary care clinic.

The next step is scaling up — and finding ways to approach payers and show that this can help hit benchmarks, “to enhance outcomes and get more dollars for preventive services in the first three years of life,” Dr. Tomopoulos said. “I think we need to be ambitious and think like that, how can we make pediatric primary care have a real impact, and how can we get the world of value-based care and population health and advanced primary care to recognize the importance,” Dr. McCord said. “We need to make the focus of primary care in the early years improving the social emotional outcomes of children.”

Read the complete article here.

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Screen Time and Parent-Child Talk When Children Are Aged 12 to 36 Months
The Combined Contributions of Newborn Stress and Parenting Stress on Toddler Language Development
A Two Generation, Early Childhood Advanced Primary Care Model
Training Opportunities
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Reach Out and Read conducts research that shines a light on the positive outcomes of delivery of our model and reveals new areas where we can benefit young children, their families, and our network.
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From My Exam
Room To Yours
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