Mirrors & Windows: Ascension All Saints Pediatrics

Reach Out and Read Wisconsin launched its Mirrors & Windows initiative in April of 2024. The initiative will help clinics around the state introduce diverse book choices to children. During clinic visits, program managers will provide book bundles to clinics. These bundles have been carefully curated to include a diverse selection of stories featuring characters from various backgrounds, cultures, abilities, and identities to assist the clinic in their own future book ordering.

Reach Out and Read has connected with clinics to get their insights into the importance of diverse books. ROR WI will be showcasing them over the next year.

Ascension All Saints Pediatrics

(Erin Tornow, Clinic Manager)

What are some of your favorite diverse books to provide at well-child visits?

Why do you feel providing books that represent ‘Mirrors’ is important?

Our children need to be able to identify with what they see in their books, shows, magazines, plays, toys, etc. If they don’t see anyone who looks like them, or has a family that looks like theirs they don’t identify the same with the concepts being taught in the books.

Why do you feel providing books that represent ‘Windows’ is important?

Children are open and loving by nature, but they need to see that everyone is different and that is okay. All people should be included and loved the same. If they see others in their books who look like them but also look like their classmates or neighbors it helps to dissolve any prejudices that they may be picking up on from others in society.

Do you have a favorite or special moment with a child/family regarding a Mirrors & Windows book?  If so, could you tell us about it?

I don’t have a specific time but I love how passionate our staff is about the books. They are always so happy when we get diverse books and really love the ones with multicultural families in them.