Q&A with Dr. Stephanie Allen

Allen was one of eight residents to attend the Reach Out and Read Leadership Conference

Stephanie Allen, MD, recently finished her residency with Froedtert Health Care. Prior to graduation, Allen had the opportunity to attend the 2024 Reach Out and Read Leadership Conference, held in New York City in mid-May. She was one of eight residents from around the country that was selected to attend the conference. She was also the only family medicine resident to be selected. We connected with Allen after she returned from the three-day event to get insight into her experience. (Allen is second to the right in the picture above)

Why did you want to attend the Leadership Conference?

Stephanie Allen, MD

I heard about the conference from the email blast sent out in the Reach Out and Read Newsletter and thought it would be a great opportunity to learn more about early childhood development. I also tend to lean towards preventive strategies of care and find programs like Reach Out and Read particularly interesting, plus I’ve loved having ROR in my clinic.

What is something you gained from the conference that would be insightful for other residents to know?

At first I was nervous when I saw that the conference was more than just medical education, that there were also discussions on the policy, business, and implementation of Reach Out and Read nationally – but in practice I honestly found those talks even more interesting. The business side of these programs is not something I’m exposed to in residence and it was good to learn more about. I loved the brand visibility session – so interesting!

What was your favorite breakout session and why?

I liked the clinical conversations: daily realities of pediatric primary care session. Getting to hear from physicians who have been out in practice for years and are at the top of their field was an invaluable experience.

What did you take away from the Leadership Conference that you are hoping to adopt in your next steps of your career?

Honestly this is probably the less exciting answer, but this was a great opportunity to learn how to network on a more national level. Most residents have probably been to a conference or two, but often conferences we attend are through our school/hospital, so being in a place that was separate from that where I had to represent my program (even my state!) as an individual was a very helpful skill to work on. Being adept at communicating and advocating at this level will only be a benefit to myself and my patients in upcoming years.

How has your appreciation of Reach Out and Read grown since you attended the Leadership Conference?

I had no idea how big Reach Out and Read was before I went to this conference!!! I’ve been talking to all my colleagues about it since I’ve gotten back!