There are so many organizations doing important work — why do you choose to support Reach Out and Read Georgia?
Reach Out and Read Georgia’s mission is key to the success of children. I know how valuable reading is to children. The benefits of reading to children include increasing their language skills, helping to stimulate their brain, quality time together, and increasing the child’s chances of success in both their school and home environments. These are key ingredients in helping children to succeed!
What inspired you to make your first donation to Reach Out and Read Georgia and why do you continue to?
As a lifetime reader, I truly understand the importance of reading! As the old proverb says ‘Teach a person to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.’ This also can be used to describe reading; Teach a child to read and to love reading and his world expands exponentially and his chances of success greatly increase! Reach Out and Read Georgia is making this happen!
Why has helping and serving your community always been a priority?
My parents were very involved in helping and mentoring others and worked closely with youth in the Houston, Texas area. They modeled being both involved and motivated to serve others. I feel that helping the youth of today is one of our most important jobs as adults and members of the community.
In your eyes, what makes the work Reach Out and Read Georgia is doing unique?
The goals and mission of Reach Out and Read Georgia are key to increasing the likelihood of success for so many of children that might otherwise be at risk of being left behind. They have found a way to increase the chances of success for these children. As a Program Coordinator for a local Blessings in a Backpack program, I know how important it is to instill a love of reading in children; this is key to their success at school and ultimately their future. Reach Out and Read Georgia has made a difference to so many of our children in Georgia and helped to ensure that the children that have been touched by this program have been given a few more tools to be successful in their future.
How long and how do you know Amy Erickson, Executive Director?
Amy and I have known each other for over fifteen years. We lived in the same neighborhood and then became Charter members as well as Board members for a National Charity League chapter, the Northeast Atlanta Chapter. We worked together for many years, along with our daughters, to make a difference for many nonprofit organizations in our North Fulton County area. Amy truly has a heart for service!
Is there anything in particular that has impressed you about our organization?
I always read with interest about the new initiatives that Reach Out and Read Georgia is working hard to address. One that I find exceptional is the initiative to help families with children that have developmental disabilities. These families have been blessed with resources that will help and engage these sweet children.
Would you recommend us to your friends, colleagues, and family? If so, why?
Absolutely! I will continue to endorse Reach Out and Read Georgia to others! Their mission is one that anyone can get behind and support!! It is key to the future success of our world!