Download the full text: Walker_2020_Language Intervention Research in Early Childhood Care and Education A Systematic Survey of the Literature
Publication year
2018study description
Systematic survey of the literature.core topic(s)
Early LiteracyExposures, Outcomes, Other
Child Development (general) , Clinic-Based Programs and Interventions , Language and Literacy Development , Programs and Interventions (other) , School Readiness and Educational Outcomesobjectives
We report the findings from a systematic survey of research on non-parental interventions, with the goal of identifying strengths and weaknesses in current literature which can inform current practice and also guide the design of future research.outcomes evaluated
Intervention related research.methods
Studies were identified using a systematic search protocol of the communication and language intervention literature for children from birth through 5 years of age.sample size
n=190 (studies)measures
Measure of Inclusion Criteria: a 110-question coding survey to address issues relevant to communication and language intervention research. Informing the development of the survey were resources including the What Works Clearinghouse Procedures and Standards Hand-book 3.0 (WWC Procedures and Standards, 2014), the Division for Early Childhood Recommended Practices (DEC-RP, 2014). Broadly, the coding survey questions included: citation information, purpose of the study, child and adult participant characteristics including cultural and linguistic diversity, disability and risk status, research design, numbers of participants and attrition, intervention type, length and procedures, measurement features – technical adequacy, fidelity of intervention, training and professional development, analytic approach, reported results, study limitations and implications.