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2020study description
Commentary.core topic(s)
Early LiteracyExposures, Outcomes, Other
Brain/Neurocognitive , Child Development (general) , Language and Literacy Development , School Readiness and Educational Outcomes , Screening and Toolsadditional materials
Klass_NYT_Bedtime Stories for Young BrainsKlass_NYT_Literacy Builds Life Skills as Well as Language Skills
Klass_NYT_Reading Aloud to Young Children Has Benefits for Behavior and
Klass_NYT_The Merits of Reading Real Books to Your Children
To propose recognition of literacy as a domain of early child development, distinct from spoken language.outcomes evaluated
Literacy as a developmental domain.setting
Pediatric primary care.methods
Topics Discussed: Domains of early childhood development defined by AAP; Reading and literacy as distinct from language and school readiness; Reading and literacy in the context of brain development; Prevention capacities of literacy as a developmental domain (eg ROR); Screening tools that assess literacy development; Literacy development as a determinant of long term success.measures
The acquisition of literacy, from earliest emergent stages to full fluency with understanding and self-expression in written language, represents a distinct developmental trajectory. Unlike other developmental arenas, achieving literacy combines environmental stimulation and informal interaction in the preschool years with formal school-based instruction in decoding print and reflects the integration of multiple neuronal networks. Skills children acquire along this literacy trajectory powerfully influence life course, from early school achievement to earning potential to lifelong self-expression and civic engagement. Recognizing this, many pediatric health care professionals have incorporated literacy promotion into primary care, often through Reach Out and Read, an evidence-based model (supported by a national network) that provides parental guidance and children’s books at health supervision visits.conclusions
Adding this domain to our thinking and to pediatric clinical assessments would consolidate our developmental understanding of reading and the brain, offering insights and approaches to help families—and society—to nurture learning and deepen understanding of childhood developmental trajectories.limitations
Not discussed.Related