Early Literacy Research Library (ELRL) - Article

Talk, Read, Sing: Early Language Exposure As an Overlooked Social Determinant of Health

LoRe, D., Ladner, P., Suskind, D. (2018) Talk, Read, Sing: Early Language Exposure As An Overlooked Social Determinant of Health. Pediatrics, 142(3), e20182007. ,

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study description


core topic(s)

Early Literacy , Early Relational Health

Population Characteristics

Medical Providers , Medical Trainees

Exposures, Outcomes, Other

Anticipatory Guidance , Brain/Neurocognitive , Child Development (general) , Clinic-Based Programs and Interventions , Disparity/Adversity , Language and Literacy Development , Medical Training/Education


To discuss early language exposure as a social determinant of health.


Pediatric primary care.


Topics Discussed: First 1000 days of life as critical for brain development; Socioeconomic related cognitive disparities; Early language exposure and neuroimaging studies; Role of pediatrician to promote adult-child interactions according to AAP; Disparities in parent access and understanding of this guidance; Educating residents to share evidence-based strategies with parents.




There is perhaps nothing more important that a society must do than foster and protect the brain development of our children.”15 By elevating “talk, read, and sing” to the top of the newborn discharge list, future pediatricians will be ensuring that healthy brain development is the standard of care for all children.


Not discussed.
