evaluation focus
English Speaking Receptive Vocabularyapplicable ages
24+ months; 2-18+ yearsavailable language(s)
Must be purchasedsummary
The Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test (ROWPVT) is an instrument that can be used to assess the receptive vocabulary abilities of young children through adults by measuring the test-taker’s ability to correctly match verbalized words to their corresponding pictures. These words include commonly experienced objects, actions, and/or concepts. This measure is often used in conjunction with the Expressive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT, tagged “EOW”).
Scores Available:
- Percentiles
- standard scores
- age equivalents
Administration Format: Test Plates bound in a Spiral Booklet with a Fold-out Easel
Administration: 20 minutes | Scoring: 5 minutes | Total Time: 25 minutes
Reliability and Validity (Amster 1985):
- Split-Half: alphas ranged from 0.81 – 0.93 with a median of 0.90
- Criterion-Related Validity: demonstrated between the ROWPVT and the Vocabulary subtest of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI) and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Revised (WISC-R) – coefficients ranged from 0.23 – 0.70 with a median of 0.41. There was a 0.89 correlation between ROWPVT and EOWPVT.
Available for Purchase: https://www.wpspublish.com/rowpvt-4-receptive-one-word-picture-vocabulary-test-fourth-edition
Source: https://www.academictherapy.com/detailATP.tpl?eqskudatarq=8547-8
supporting literature
Okalidou, A., Syrika, A., Beckman, M.E., Edwards, J.R. (2011) Adapting a Receptive Vocabulary Test for Preschool-Aged Greek-Speaking Children. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 46(1), 95-107.PDF: ROW – 1 – Okalidou 2011
Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3064883/
Amster, J.B. (1985) Test Review: Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test. The Reading Teacher, 40(4), 452-455.
PDF: ROW – 2 – Amster 1985
Link: https://www.jstor.org/stable/20199489
Tafiadis, D., Kantakou, F., Tafiadis, M. (2010) The Expressive and the Receptive One Word Picture Vocabulary Test (EOWPVT & ROWPVT). (A Combine Pilot Study and Validation of the Tests' in Normal Greek Population - Aged from 7 Years till 7 Years and 11 Months). Annals of General Psychiatry, 9(1), S106.
PDF: ROW – 3 – Tafiadis 2010
Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2991800/
referenced articles
The Impact of a Clinic-Based Literacy Intervention on Language Development in Inner-City Preschool ChildrenExposure to Reach Out and Read and Vocabulary Outcomes in Inner City Preschoolers