Pahoua Hoffman
Pahoua Hoffman is the Senior Vice President, Government & Community Relations for HealthPartners. In this capacity, she and her team partner with local, state, and national organizations and government agencies to improve community health and well-being while ensuring access to high quality, affordable care and coverage. To make certain HealthPartners programs and services are community-informed, she also works with HealthPartners’ eight hospital foundations and leads the organization’s community engagement initiatives and advocacy efforts on behalf of HealthPartners’ patients and members, which benefit the broader community. As a former refugee and immigrant to the United States, she shares HealthPartners’ commitment to providing culturally sensitive care and advancing health equity. Her 20+ years of experience working with under-served communities and empowering community members to act as their own agents of change have not only led to increased community capacity but have also resulted in policy and systems change.