Children's Hospital of PhiladelphiaPhiladelphia, PA
Clinical Research Assistant
Duke University School of Medicine
Durham, NC
Medical Student
My name is Nicole Miller. I graduated from the University of Richmond in 2021 with a BS in Biology and Leadership Studies, and am currently a first year medical student at Duke University School of Medicine. I am part of DukeMed’s Primary Care Leadership Track (PCLT). and am interested in becoming a pediatric primary care clinician. Before matriculation, I worked with the Literacy Lab at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia on various research projects around early literacy, early relational health, and the Reach Out and Read model – including the design and development of the ELRL!
Research Interests
- ROR in early infancy
- ROR in the NICU
- ROR in the ED/ER
- books and conversations around diverse topics in the ROR model
- trust in the child-caregiver-clinician relationship
Past Research
- SPEAK parent/provider interviews
- OpenIDEO book evaluation
- Back to Birth / 0-5 parent survey
- ROR Provider Diverse Book Interviews
Ongoing Research
- LitNet: ELRL design and development
Future Research
- trust in the child-caregiver-clinician relationship in the ROR model