A Mom’s Perspective

Moms rely on each other for good advice on all things to do with parenting and often that advice comes through social media channels. Reach Out and Read recently partnered with Babbleboxx and several talented professional bloggers to amplify the message of spending time reading aloud together.…

#ReadTogether Recap

What started in April as a hopeful initiative to encourage family reading and bonding, Reach Out and Read’s #ReadTogether challenge exceeded all expectations. With the help from our invaluable network, during isolating times our video project brought families nationwide together in an outpour of joy and love for shared reading!…

Medical Minute with Reach Out and Read Kansas City!

Need sage advice? Educational content expressed in a playful way? Our nationwide network is here to help. Medical Director of Reach Out and Read Kansas City, Sallie Page-Goertz’s Medical Minute supports families while still trying to have fun. The monthly blog at its core is about connecting with patients!…