The Power of Storytelling for Families Navigating a Pandemic

In medicine, it’s often called doorknob syndrome—a family’s deepest questions come out as the visit wraps, the doctor’s hand already on the doorknob. In a recent visit, we reviewed Ava’s* growth and development, touched on all relevant age-appropriate guidance, and on all accounts discussed, she was thriving.…

Supporting Children with Disabilities During the Pandemic

Fifteen percent of young children are now diagnosed with a developmental disability. Young children with developmental disabilities benefit from heightened structure, clear expectations, and an array of services that were obstructed by COVID‐19. Increased difficulties for children, in turn, exacerbate parent stress, and quarantine also often means many parents not only serve as their child’s teacher, but also as their child’s special educator, social skills coach, speech-language pathologist, and behavioral therapist—sometimes with little support from professional helpers.…