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StimQ – Infant – SPA
StimQ – Toddler – ENG
StimQ – Toddler – SPA
Stimq – Preschool – ENG
StimQ – Preschool – SPA
evaluation focus
Family Cognitive Home Environmentapplicable ages
0-72 months; 0-6 yearsavailable language(s)
English and Spanishavailability
FREE download through the librarysummary
The StimQ Cognitive Home Environment Questionnaire is an instrument used to measure a family’s cognitive home environment. It was developed, revised, and revalidated by pediatricians and developmental psychologists at NYU Langone.
3 Questionnaires based on Child Age:
- Infant (StimQ-I): ages 5 to 12 months
- Toddler (StimQ-T): ages 12 to 36 months
- Preschooler (StimQ-P): ages 36 to 72 months
4 Instrument Subscales:
- reading (READ)
- parental involvement in developmental advance (PIDA)
- parental verbal responsivity (PVR)
- availability of learning materials (ALM)
Administration Format: parent interview
Administration: 15-20 minutes | Scoring: 2-3 minutes | Total Time: 17-23 minutes
Internal Consistency: Cronbach’s alpha ranging from 0.86 to 0.93
Predictive and Concurrent Validity:
- StimQ-I and StimQ-T significantly related to 36-month outcomes
- Correlations for StimQ-I ranged from 0.23 to 0.24
- Correlations for StimQ-T ranged from 0.30 to 0.40
- StimQ-P significantly related to concurrent language and social–emotional outcomes
- Correlations for StimQ-P ranged from 0.17 to 0.30
- StimQ-I and StimQ-T significantly related to 36-month outcomes
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supporting literature
Dreyer, B.P., Mendelsohn, A.L., Kruger, H.A., Legano, L.A., Lim, S.W., Agrawal, N., Fierman, A.H., Tamis-Lemonda, C. (1994). StimQ, A New Scale for Assessing the Home Environment: Reliability and Validity. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 150(4, suppl. 47).Link:
Dreyer, B.P., Mendelsohn, A.L., Tamis-LeMonda, C.S. (1996) Assessing the Child's Cognitive Home Environment through Parental Report: Reliability and Validity. Early Development and Parenting, 5(4), 271-287.
PDF: StimQ – 2 – Dreyer 1996
Mendelsohn, A.L., Dreyer, B.P., Tamis-LeMonda, C.S., Ahuja, P. (1999) Validity of StimQ, A Scale for Assessing the Cognitive Home Environment. Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics, 20(5), 399.
PDF: StimQ – 3 – Mendelsohn 1999
referenced articles
Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the StimQ for Use with Italian Children from KindergartensValidation of the StimQ2: A parent-report measure of cognitive stimulation in the home
Effects at 12 months of a primary care intervention using finger puppets to support early language promotion: a pilot study
Promoting Cognitive Stimulation in Parents Across Infancy and Toddlerhood: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Pre-Pandemic Support for Shared Reading Buffers Adverse Parenting Impacts: An RCT in Brazil