Reach Out and Read News

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(KHQ) Reach Out and Read nonprofit has received a grant that will help them buy and distribute thousands of children’s books to medical clinics on tribal and native sites nationwide. The Indian Health Service (IHS) awarded $200,000 to Reach Out and Read to purchase more than 31,000 inclusive, diverse children’s books that represent the lives […]
(FOX 13 Seattle) Reach Out and Read makes well-child checkups a little more magical and connects families through the love of reading. The science-backed program addresses multiple aspects of a child’s development for a holistic approach to wellness. The program provides participating clinicians with carefully selected, age-appropriate books to hand out during well-child visits along […]

Babies, Books, and Bonding

October 10, 2023
(Burke Foundation’s Starting Early) Marty Martinez took the reins as CEO of Reach Out and Read after serving as Boston’s chief of Health and Human Services during the COVID-19 pandemic. He’s a passionate believer in reading as an essential health benefit for children and families. Founded in 1989 to help families make reading a part […]
(Upstate Parent) Mary Margaret Flowers doesn’t know that the board books she loves are helping her develop language and so much more. But her mom, Betsy Flowers, does. At just 20 months old, Mary Margaret is already part of an important partnership between parents and healthcare providers through the nonprofit Reach Out and Read. A […]
(WJTV) “Reach Out and Read National will be bringing and donating $15,000 in money for new books to come down to Mississippi, which we’re excited about being able to do. That is being matched by another donation of $15,000 worth of books from our partners at Scholastic, which is great.” -Marty Martinez, CEO of Reach […]
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