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Building Love and Memories for my Patients

My passion for reading was nurtured early in life by my parents, who had a gift for storytelling. This love of learning that I grew up with drives me to provide the same for my patients at Milestone Pediatrics in Atlanta, GA through the Reach out and Read Program.  In October 2015, my dad passed […]

#ReadTogether Recap

During isolating times of COVID, our video project, #ReadTogether brought families nationwide together in an outpour of joy and love for shared reading and early literacy! Including Peter H. Reynolds reading of “Say Something!”

Behind the Scenes – Filming our Telehealth Training Video

Telehealth and virtual medicine have quickly become important tools to care for patients during this unprecedented health care crisis. The message from our network of providers was loud and clear, “We need guidance on how to deliver Reach Out and Read in a telehealth well-child visit.” So, we got to work! We gathered input from […]

Paper with Purpose

As part of their Paper with Purpose commitment to sustainability, Boise Paper looks for opportunities to give back to the communities their employees and customers call home. In their support of Reach Out and Read, Boise Paper was a key sponsor of the new website, which was launched in October 2019, and a supporter of […]

#ReadTogether Challenge Featured on Clinton Foundation Website

The Clinton Foundation and Reach Out and Read were both established on the belief that everyone, no matter their background and means, deserves a chance to succeed. We are honored that our #ReadTogether project continues to be recognized and promoted as a way to support the community during the Pandemic by encouraging families to read […]

Parent-child moments

We caught a sweet parent-child moment while visiting  Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. This adorable four-month-old was mouthing a Reach Out and Read Georgia bookmark and soon this cutie will be holding his bookmark and his book with his pincer grasp. The pincer grasp is the coordination of the index finger and thumb to hold an […]