Reach Out and Read News
Reach Out and Read Awarded Holiday Impact Prize in New York Times
(The New York Times)By Nicholas Kristof Forget the necktie that will sit in Dad’s closet or the perfume that your sister Sue will soon regift, for I have some better ideas. … Help a child learn to read! Books were my childhood’s magic carpets that lifted me on the lifelong journey that now leads me to write […]

Reach Out and Read is pleased to announce the award of a grant to support an innovative and exciting opportunity to increase and expand our impact on young children and their families. Generous funding from Einhorn Collaborative is supporting a collaborative initiative with a vision to embed the promotion of positive parent-child interactions into the […]

“Oh we love books,” said a four-year-old Reach Out and Read recipient during her little brother’s well-child check, just after both were given Reach Out and Read books. She then voraciously proceeded to dive into her book excitedly. Her 18-month-old brother observed and copied her actions and excitement. His exuberant mirroring of her actions reminded […]

Sophie is two years old, and she is learning 2-4 new words a day. Sophie’s favorite word as a 2-year-old might be “no” but you never hear her say “no” when her dad scoops her up into his lap along with her favorite book, Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, for reading time. These moments cuddled together […]

Grandparents can play a unique and significant role in nurturing the health and wellbeing of a child. A grandparent provides unconditional love and connection that is often nurtured in the same way the grandparent built the relationship with their own son or daughter – through treasured moments spent reading together. The simple act of reading […]

“To thrive, flourish, and reach their full potential, all children need the positive childhood experiences afforded by safe, stable and nurturing relationships.” – Dr. Andrew Garner, MD, PhD, FAAP What were the factors that led the AAP to revise the 2012 toxic stress report now? In a decade, we have seen significant changes regarding the […]