Reach Out and Read News

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Performers at Can't Stop singing that song
Last October, the Boston Children’s Chorus (BBC) joined bassist Carlos Henriquez and a 15-piece band for Can’t Stop Singing That Song, a concert honoring the late musician and teacher Aline Shader. The concert celebrated Aline’s life-long commitment to share the joy of music, dance and reading with her students, friends, and family. Concert producer and […]

Read Across America

February 13, 2020
Reach Out and Read is proud to partner in this year’s, READ ACROSS AMERICA day on March 2, 2020. Two decades ago, the National Education Association (NEA) launched Read Across America and now it is the nation’s largest single-day celebration of reading. The program focuses on motivating children to read and encouraging adults to spend more time […]
“A fundamental test for our country is whether or not we can make early learning available and real to all kids and families,” said Chelsea Clinton during her recent visit to Milwaukee to dedicate the Clinton Foundation’s, Too Small to Fail initiative, and the City of Milwaukee first-ever “Family Read, Play & Learn” space with […]
UNICEF has produced a 10-part special podcast series on “The Future of Childhood” – to mark the 30th anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this episode, Sarah Crowe, speaks to Reach Out and Read’s National Medical Director, Dr. Perri Klass on pediatrics. Perri Klass, MD has been writing as a […]
Time Magazine interviewed one of our favorite authors, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof on his newly released book, ‘Tightrope’. Mr. Kristof and co-author Sheryl WuDunn report on the despair that many middle-class Americans have experienced over the past several decades. Their reporting is wide-spread across the United States and despite the bleak outcome for […]
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